
You can order DISCOUNTED books and other items directly from me, either by PayPal or by check (see address below); or from the publisher(s); or “New” from Please do not order my books “Used” from amazon, ebay, or other vendors, as neither I nor any of my various wonderful publishers receives so much as a penny from such sales.  Thank you!

Fit for a Frankenstein
(2013, Walkabout Publishing)
88-page softcover; novella
Coauthored by Greg Starrett
$8 ($1 off retail)

Unforgettable: Harrowing Futures, Horrors, & (Dark) Humor
(2011, Walkabout Publishing)
490-page softcover; short stories
$20 ($10 off retail)

Also available on the cheap as an e-book at

Planet of the Dates
(2008, The Permanent Press)
224-page hardcover novel
$20 ($8 off retail)

Also available on the cheap on Kindle

Further Persons Imperfect
(2007, iUniverse)
160-page softcover; short stories
$13Please order directly from the publisher.

First Person Imperfect
(2004, iUniverse)
196-page softcover; short stories
$15 Please order directly from the publisher.

(2002, John Daniel & Co.)
270-page softcover novel
$10 ($5 off retail)

Twenty Questions: Short and Very Short Stories
(1998, Daniel & Daniel)
150-page softcover; short stories
$10 ($1 off retail)


No-Budget Theatre: The Best (?) of P.C. Productions, 1975-79
110 min.; Episodes #1-6
$12 — All proceeds benefit blood-donation services.

No-Budget Theatre: Gorzak’s Grab-Bag
25 min.; Episode #7
$10 — All proceeds benefit blood-donation services.


Amateur 2-CD set
145 min.; 50 songs
Yours FREE with ANY book purchase; SASE to RAINN enclosed.

Dayna Clay: Words & Music from the Novel “Unplugged”
46 min.; 12 tracks
$10 — All proceeds go to RAINN.


$3 for first item; $1 for each additional item

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Please send check or money order to:
Paul McComas
2636 Prairie Ave., Unit A
Evanston, IL 60201