To read these 19 stories (written by 10 contemporary writers) is to become the confidant of 19 very different, very real people. Whether tagging along with one of the nine children who open their lives and hearts to you or accompanying one of the 10 adults struggling to let go or hang on or strike out in a new direction, you will find yourself quickly caught up in these characters’ lives. If you crave deep connection with quirky, disarmingly genuine people, then you’ll enjoy an in-person look at First Person Imperfect.
Editor/contributor Paul McComas is the instructor of the nine other contributors to this anthology, who first studied with him in the Minicourse Program at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. They now are students in his privately-run Advanced Fiction Writing workshop. Published with a grant from Northwestern University.
On the cover: “Two Are Halves of One,” sculpture installation by Chicago artist Darren Hallowell. Photo by Paul McComas.
NOTE: A portion of the proceeds from this book benefits Boys Hope/Girls Hope, a not-for-profit network of group homes for high-potential, at-risk youth. Go to www.boyshopegirlshope.org or www.chicagobhgh.org.